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China Photo Book

CBPP Students and Professors Share Their Experience in China

College of Business and Public Policy Professor Dr. Qiujie (Angie) Zheng and students Wesley Early, and Jacob Haworth took many photographs during their trip to China this summer. Accounting student Jacob Haworth has compiled some of these photos along with experiences of fellow travelers into a photo book and has generously decided to share the project with all of us.

Read: CBPP Students and Professors Share Their…
Gunnar Knapp

ISER Director/Professor Gunnar Knapp on KTUU Newshour

After the DOW plunged 532 points KTUU called on ISER Director/Professor Gunnar Knapp to explain what happened, the reasons behind it, and what it could mean for investors and the state.

Read: ISER Director/Professor Gunnar Knapp on KTUU…
Professor Jim Murphy

Professor Jim Murphy's Student's Research Compares Alaskans to ‘Outside’

An article recently published in ADN features Professor Jim Murphy's student's research regarding how Alaskan's behavior may differ from those of people living outside Alaska. It appears to reinforce the notion that we Alaskans tend to do things a bit differently than those elsewhere. A worthwhile read with a peek into our economic psychology.

Read: Professor Jim Murphy's Student's Research Compares…
Alaska Native Business Summit

1st Annual Alaska Native Business Summit

You are invited to the 1st Annual Alaska Native Business Summit on October 14 at 1:00 p.m. at the UAA/APU Consortium Library, 3rd Floor. Together, we will work to identify barriers and develop realistic solutions and policy suggestions to move the Alaska economy forward.  Click to find out more...

Read: 1st Annual Alaska Native Business Summit
Dr. Terry Nelson

Professor Terry Nelson: Keynote Speaker at StepUpAK Leadership Summit

Dr. Nelson, assistant professor of leadership, is presenting her workshop "#Oopsism: Communicating Effectively across Cultures in the 21st Century" at the second annual StepUpAK Leadership Summit. The event takes place on Saturday, August 15, 2015 at Mountain View Library, Community Room.

Read: Professor Terry Nelson: Keynote Speaker at…