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News & Announcements


Robert Poe Jr. presents Globalization, Politics and Their Effect on Alaska's Economy

Monday, October 10 from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Bob Poe teaches The Environment of Business and Strategic Management courses in the UAA Department of Business Administration and has done extensive research on ANCSA and aboriginal management models around the world. Bob Poe’s numerous contributions to the state of Alaska include working with various administrations and in key positions under 4 former Governors. And he was President and CEO of the Anchorage Economic Development Corporation (AEDC). According to Bob Poe, “Key to my career change is my love of teaching and my long held interest in doing research into ANCSA Native Corporations and the applicability of the aboriginal management models they have created to aboriginal groups around the world.” There is free parking for this event in the South Lot, Sports Complex NW Lot, West Campus Central Lot, Sports Campus West Lot.

Read: Robert Poe Jr. presents Globalization, Politics…
Alaska Humanities Forum

Job Opportunity Available

The Alaska Humanities Forum is looking for a candidate to fill the position of Program Manager, this position will play a significant role in all aspects of the Forum’s Leadership Programs in conjunction with the Program Director, other Forum staff, and key partner organizations.

Read: Job Opportunity Available
Prosper Ala$ka Summit & Expo


Politicians have talked about diversifying Alaska’s economy since long before we became a state. But progress on that front has been only modest. Is a stable and vibrant Alaska economy possible? It will take some changes in the way we think of ourselves and the way we do things. We’re gathering some of the finest minds in Alaska for the Prosper Ala$ka Summit & Expo. It’s a one of a kind opportunity to meet, learn, share, and gain inspiration.

Map of Alaska

Announcing BA A490B ANCSA Land

This course explores land as defined by the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 and covers some historical perspectives relating to this unique legislation.

Read: Announcing BA A490B ANCSA Land