In Appreciation of Edward Rasmuson
Today we remember Edward “Ed” Rasmuson, whose legacy of business acumen and generosity resonates with every student, staff and faculty member who walks through the doors of Rasmuson Hall.
Read: In Appreciation of Edward Rasmuson
Understanding ANCSA at 50 – and Beyond
The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) passed fifty years ago, creating 12 Alaska Native regional corporations within the state of Alaska that have diversified into successful state, national and global companies. Many village corporations and Native nonprofit organizations have also thrived and grown.
Read: Understanding ANCSA at 50 – and Beyond
Tom Case Leadership Fellows 2021-22
The College of Business and Public Policy is pleased to announce the 2021-2022 Tom Case Leadership Fellows cohort: Lorenzo Froehle, Liz Kubitz, Heather Lim, and Manny Rodriguez.
Read: Tom Case Leadership Fellows 2021-22
CBPP Dean’s Competitive Awards 2022
The Dean’s Office has awarded thirteen students with scholarships to continue their studies in the College of Business and Public Policy (CBPP). Recipients are selected by CBPP’s Scholarship Committee on the basis of merit, talent, or leadership/ community involvement.
Read: CBPP Dean’s Competitive Awards 2022