Win up to $300 for Your Class Presentation
“The Rotary Business School Scholarship”
Any current UAA Business student - graduate or undergraduate is eligible. You only need to make a 20-minute business related presentation, such as leadership, business theory, new business technologies, new marketing strategies, etc. It can be a presentation you have already presented to class or one you are about to present. You can use any format you like; a projector and PC can be provided.
Read: Win up to $300 for Your Class Presentation
Student Advising Center Receives the ‘Students’ Choice Award’
The College of Business and Public Policy Student Advising Center has received the "Students’ Choice Award" for quality academic advising practices as determined by the ‘UAA Student Perceptions of their Academic Advising Experience survey’.
Congratulations to the SAC staff: (pictured left to right) Stefania Kristjansson , Andrea Jones, Allyson Berg, Martha Massey, and Kelsey Cunningham (not pictured).
Read: Student Advising Center Receives the ‘Students’…
Administrative Internship Opportunity Available
The Anchorage Chamber of Commerce has an administrative internship available for junior, senior, or graduate students.
Interns for the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce will receive free admission to all of the Anchorage Chamber events during the duration of the internship, exclusive networking and training opportunities within the Chamber, and will gain valuable administrative, managerial and project management experience while working in a fun, learning environment.
Read: Administrative Internship Opportunity Available
Thank You to Dr. John C. Williams
The College of Business and Public Policy was proud to host the President of the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank, Dr. John Williams on August 16. He spoke about the US economy, inflation and monetary policy and spent time answering questions from UAA students.
Read: Thank You to Dr. John C. Williams
Monetary Policy, Money, and Inflation
On Wednesday, August 17th the College of Business and Public Policy will host the President of the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank. Dr. John Williams will discuss his views on the US economy, inflation and monetary policy from 5:15 PM to about 6:30 PM in RH 101. He is especially interested in answering questions from UAA students.
Admission is free but it would be helpful if students, faculty and interested community members would pre-register for the event here:
Read: Monetary Policy, Money, and Inflation