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Working Paper

CBPP Economics Working Paper: The Impact of Social Information on the Voluntary Provision of Public Goods

In 2009 Shang and Croson found that providing information about the donation decisions of others can have a positive impact on individual donations to public radio. In this study, CBPP Professor James Murphy along with Nomin Batmunkh, Ben Nilsson, and Samantha Ray, attempted to replicate their results.

Read: CBPP Economics Working Paper: The Impact of Social…
Leadership Fellows

2014-15 Leadership Fellows and Juniors Graduate and 2015-16 Fellows Announced

The College of Business and Public Policy’s Student Recognition & Graduation Celebration on April 17th was the perfect forum to announce the graduation of the 2014 – 15 thirteen leadership fellows and introduction of the twenty-five students who had been selected for the 2015-16 cohort.

Read: 2014-15 Leadership Fellows and Juniors Graduate…
Chantae Kotchuten

CBPP Leadership Fellow Selected to Attend the Future Arctic Leaders Workshop

Chantae Kotchuten, 2014 – 2015 Leadership Fellow, was selected to attend the Arctic Council’s Future Arctic Leaders Workshop hosted by the Government of Canada on April 23, 2015 in Ottawa, Canada.

Read: CBPP Leadership Fellow Selected to Attend the…
Top 10 Most Read Green and Gold Stories

Top 10 Most Read Green and Gold Stories of 2014

Three of the top ten most read stories in Green and Gold involve College of Business and Public Policy students, alumnus and/or programs. The three stories are: #3. Top Forty Under 40 (featuring CBPP alumnus Harry Need, Morten Kjerland, Carrie Lindow, and Chad Steadman), #5. “I am UAA” Shayla Silva, and #9. CBPP's Leadership Fellows.

Read: Top 10 Most Read Green and Gold Stories of 2014
Vinera Erickson, Matt Clark and Brian Endsley

MBA Students Achieve Top Ten Rank in Global Business Competition

Our team of three graduate students-- Vinera Erickson, Matt Clark and Brian Endsley-- competing against 609 other college teams worldwide, finished in the top ten in The Capstone Business Competition. Their virtual company registered fourth in profits, tenth in ROS, and eighth in stock price after completing their eight round competition.

Read: MBA Students Achieve Top Ten Rank in Global…