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CBPP MBA Students Achieve Top Ten Rank in Global Business Competition

April 30, 2015

Vinera Erickson, Matt Clark and Brian Endsley
Pictured (left to right): Vinera Erickson, Matt Clark and Brian Endsley

Our team of three graduate students-- Vinera Erickson, Matt Clark and Brian Endsley-- competing against 609 other college teams worldwide, finished in the top ten in The Capstone Business Competition. Their virtual company registered fourth in profits, tenth in ROS, and eighth in stock price after completing their eight round competition. The Capstone Business Competition is an ongoing challenge (and the focus of the graduate MBA course BA686-Management Simulation) -- wherein student teams from universities around the world act as executive groups that run their own virtual company and make decisions that effect marketing, finance, human resources, production, product development, product positioning and ultimate sales, production efficiencies and profitability.