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Students Explore Opportunities in Real Estate Through REM+I Workshop

August 8, 2022
Julie Wrigley discusses pricing UAA Associate Professor of Management Julie Wrigley discusses pricing for rental properties with Korben Senden during the UAA College of Business Weidner Property Management and Real Estate Program's Real Estate Management and Investment (REM+I) workshop for high school students.

Shark Tank. HGTV. Interior design. Monopoly.

Students may not realize that their hobbies and tv viewing interests could translate into careers in real estate—until they have a chance to explore the academic and employment opportunities offered in this industry. The Weidner Property Management and Real Estate Program's annual Real Estate Management and Investment (REM+I) Workshop gives high school students and recent graduates that preview. This year, 16 participants from 11 area high schools learned about the College of Business and Public Policy’s (CBPP) unique four-year property management and real estate degree, the fundamentals of real estate investment/management, and the variety of careers available in the field.

“I know 100 times more than I did when I came here,” said Korben Senden, a senior at Eagle River High School. “I’m more confident about my future. In real estate especially, it’s important to make connections, and this workshop was perfect for that. I was able to learn about what college classes to take and how to get there. It’s more laid out for me.”

Program Director and associate professor Terry Fields has been organizing these REM+I Workshops since 2019. Students selected for this free, three-day opportunity each summer learn about real estate asset types and investment models and even spend a day visiting local properties.

The 2022 site visits took students to Alaska Regional Hospital (CBRE), Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (JL Properties), Park Plaza II Apartments (Weidner Apartment Homes), and Ch'bala Corners (Cook Inlet Housing Authority). Industry professionals – including some recent graduates from the program – provided tours and first-hand accounts of the dynamic and fast-paced career choice with behind-the-scenes knowledge of buildings. Students explored everything from new construction apartments to undeveloped medical office space to rooftop HVAC and building systems for a Class A office building.

“It’s really eye-opening for them,” Fields said. “They enjoy getting out to see the buildings, meeting recent alumni, and hearing how these professionals progressed in the industry and why they love what they do. It helps them visualize their own career opportunities if they were to pursue this degree path.”

Terry Fields guides students through the process of developing a financial analysis UAA Associate Professor of Management Terry Fields guides students through the process of developing a financial analysis of a property during the UAA College of Business Weidner Property Management and Real Estate Program's Real Estate Management and Investment (REM+I) workshop in July 2022.

Students like Corbin Curtis, a recent South High School graduate, liked the financial analysis segment of the workshop. For this project, student teams put their new education into practice by finding a real income-producing property listed for sale on MLS, developing a cash flow pro forma and business analysis, and presenting their findings to the group.

Cylena Snow, a 2022 Dimond High School graduate, has been interested in real estate for years and learned a lot of new information. “I always thought if you were in real estate, you work on your own as a real estate salesperson, but I learned that opportunities are much broader than that and many companies are looking to hire real estate professionals.” Jade Wren, a senior at Service High School, said the workshop solidified her decision to pursue a real estate career. “I also enjoyed meeting a lot of new people my age who share an interest in real estate, too.”

Students that attended the REM+I Workshop, and ultimately go to pursue the degree program at CBPP, are also eligible for a $1,000 scholarship.

“The free REM+I Workshop and $1,000 scholarship opportunities are made possible through an Excellence Fund we established two years ago and the generous support of our many advisory board companies and supporters” Fields said. Contributions to future workshops and scholarships can be made by visiting the giving page and selecting “WPM+RE Excellence.”