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Matt Childs, Spring 2017 Graduate Degree Hooding Ceremony Student Speaker

Matt Childs - Invited to be the Spring 2017 Graduate Degree Hooding Ceremony Student Speaker

Matt Childs, a soon to be MBA graduate, submitted an application to be UAA’s Spring 2017 Commencement Speaker but was narrowly edged out by another exceptional student. His application and speech topic captivated the selection committee, and they proactively suggested that he be awarded the opportunity to be the student speaker at the Graduate Degree Hooding Ceremony. Being selected as the Hooding Ceremony Student Speaker is an honor, but when the honor is capped off as the first-ever student speaker for this event, it carries an unspoken responsibility of being a trendsetter.

Read: Matt Childs - Invited to be the Spring 2017…
Greg Waymire Presentation

Greg Waymire: Profit Discovery and Double Entry Accounting

Werner Sombart, Max Weber, Joseph Schumpeter, and Ludwig Mises asserted that double entry accounting (DEA) focused attention on profit as an important objective and became a major force behind the emergence of capitalism.

Read: Greg Waymire: Profit Discovery and Double Entry…
Jeri Rubin selected as AMA Alaska Member of the Month

AMA Alaska Selects Jeri Rubin as Marketing Member of the Month

At the AMA Alaska Chapter April luncheon College of Business and Public Policy Professor Jeri Rubin was inducted as the Marketing Member of the Month. As one of the longest standing and charter members at 29 years, Jeri served on the board for 18 years, 2 years as President and 8 years as Treasurer. We are honored to have her leadership and proud to recognize her contribution and achievements.

Read: AMA Alaska Selects Jeri Rubin as Marketing Member…
 Oscar Mayer Wienermobile

Marketing Class Mobilizes on Wienermobile Visit - Green & Gold

When the Wienermobile made a surprise visit to UAA's campus on April 6, College of Business and Public Policy Marketing professor Christina McDowell was quick to capitalize. The timing was ideal, as the class had previously covered branding components (like awareness, loyalty, equity and strategy) and was shifting into content marketing. “I couldn’t have planned it better,” she laughed.

Read: Marketing Class Mobilizes on Wienermobile Visit -…