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UAA AY20 Expedited Program Review Timeline

AY20 Expedited Program Review Timeline
October 11
The Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) makes the Expedited Program Review documents available to the UAA community and sends template, process and timeline to the deans and community campus directors with guidance.
October 18
Deans forward the Expedited Program Review templates (pre-loaded with the data) with guidance to the program review committee chairs.
February 11
Program review committee chairs submit the completed Expedited Program Review templates to the deans, copying community campus director(s), as appropriate, and OAA for posting.
February 21
Deans submit their findings along with the completed Expedited Program Review template to the provost, copying the program review committee, the community campus director(s), as appropriate, and OAA for posting.
February 28
Program review committees submit optional responses to the dean’s findings to the provost, with a copy to the dean, the community campus director(s), as appropriate, and OAA for posting.
March 9
Provost submits findings to the chancellor with a copy to the dean, the program review committee, the community campus director(s), as appropriate, and OAA for posting.
March 9 - March 18
Open for feedback from Faculty Senate and Broader Audience
March 23
Chancellor’s Decisions
April 1
UA Academic Council
April 14
BOR Academic and Student Affairs Subcommittee Meeting
June 4 - 5
Board of Regents
Northwest Commission on Colleges & Universities