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SiteImprove Accessibility Scorecard

It is estimated that around 1 billion people in the world suffer from some form of disability and a further 2-4% experience significant difficulties in functioning. This makes for around 20% of the world’s population (according to WebAIM)The Internet is an important resource in many aspects of life; like education, employment, commerce and health care. So it has become essential that the web is accessible to everyone. 

As part of a resolution agreement with the Office for Civil Rights, UAA is working to make university websites more accessible. An accessible website is one that accommodates all users on all devices regardless of the situation, circumstances or ability of the user. The College of Business and Public Policy is dedicated to continuing to improve our website accessibility for all our visitors, and we've been working towards that goal with the use of Siteimprove, a tool the univiersity has adopted to test our site and track our progress.

As technology continues to advance, it's more important than ever to the CBPP to provide a browsing experience which can include everyone.

If you wish to learn more about web accessibility and it's impact on users, Forbes has an excellent article "The Importance Of Web Accessibility And How Marketers Can Help."