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Leadership Fellows Spotlight: Protégé Anna Brown and mentor Bruce Bustamante

Brown and Bustamante

CBPP’s Leadership Fellows Program pairs high-performing CBPP students with a mentor in the Anchorage business community, giving students the opportunity to learn about real-world leadership from local business leaders. This year’s cohort includes 22 CBPP students, called protégés, and their mentors. To begin the program, each protégé interviewed their new mentor, and every week, we will feature one of these interviews with the mentors, who share their thoughts on leadership. This week’s featured protégé/mentor pairing is Anna Brown, who completed her MBA this past December, and her mentor, Bruce Bustamante, who is the President of the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce.

Where are you from? How did you decide to pursue a career in Alaska?

I am originally from Oregon. My career with Alaska Airlines provided opportunities to work in Seattle, Tucson, Los Angeles, and finally as the Regional Sales Director in Anchorage in 1992.

Where did you go to college? What did you study in college?

I received an Associates Degree in Transportation Business from Highline College in the early 80’s and my Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Marketing from the University of Alaska Anchorage in 1999.

Did you have anyone you relied on for mentorship/solid career advice? If yes, what is the most important leadership advice they shared with you?

I have been blessed with many mentors throughout my life. The most important leadership advice that I received was “Don’t look too far ahead because you won’t advance in your current career until you are successful in your existing job.” Doing your existing job the very best should be your focus.

It is important and beneficial for CBPP and Anchorage’s business community to collaborate and invest in the next generation of leaders. What do you think should be conveyed to our next generation of leaders?

The Anchorage business community has a tremendous number of leaders that have a lot of experience and knowledge to share with students of CBPP. The leadership fellows program is a good program to provide students the opportunity to connect with these leaders.

The next generation of leaders should remember…. “Though a college education is important to advance your career, work ethic is still number one.”

What is your favorite book about leadership?

There are several good books I have read throughout my life. The books that have been most helpful to me are:

  • The Speed of Trust by Stephen Covey - This book gives you the elements of a productive and effective team and how to foster an environment of trust. It breaks down each element of trust and how to rebuild trust if there are issues.
  • From Good to Great by James Collins
  • They Call Me Coach by John Wooden – This book brings together my love for sports and important leadership characteristics. It focuses on commitment, loyalty, and how they act as a foundation to his “Pyramid of Success”.
  • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

The College of Business and Public Policy is excited to host this unique mentorship program and is grateful for our excellent protégés and for the outstanding business leaders who have chosen to participate as mentors.