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A word from Professor Clayton Trotter on His Latest Textbooks

June 6, 2015

Professor Clayton Trotter
CBPP Professor Clayton Trotter and his latest textbooks, Alaska Law for Business 1 & 2, Pearson 2015.

When I came to Alaska 4 years ago, there were no college level Business Law books available on the market with Alaska Supreme Court law in them. I asked the publishers why and they said that the “market was too small.” So I decided to produce some. With the help of McGraw Hill, I produced an Alaska Real Estate law book for my Real Estate Law classes. These were a labor of love and professionalism, not really motivated by a dream of royalty income, for the market is indeed “too small” for the books to sell millions of copies.

Now with the assistance of Pearson Publishers, I have two Custom books for my Business Law 1 and Business Law 2 classes here at UAA, Alaska Law for Business 1 & 2. The first covers the standard matters covered in a Business Law 1 class, Sources of Law, Torts, Crimes, Internet crimes, Procedure, The Court System, and last but not least Contracts. The second covers, the usual topics in Business Law 2, such as Sales, Corporations, Partnerships, LLC’s, Securities Laws, Regulatory and Environmental law.

These also are the first college level Business Law textbooks with Alaska Law cases in them of which I am aware. So for the first time in history, Alaska business students can learn about Alaska law when they study business law at UAA, not just New York law, or Texas law or the law of Indiana or California. Alaska students can and will in my classes study Alaska Supreme Court cases along with the law of other states and the Nation.

I am pleased to announce the publication and hope that the books are well received by the College of Business and Public Policy, the University and Alaska at large.

I could not have done it without the help of Pat Moores, Rashmi Prasad, Elijah Baker, Tom Case, and of course my loving wife, Leah. I dedicate the book to my Lord Jesus Christ, my wife Leah, my children, Frederick, Frances, Susan, Rick, Alma, Rachel, Vagi, Joshua, Jasmine and Davey and my grandchildren Austin, Joe and Margo. With a special dedication to my late wife Susan and my late son Sgt. John Byron Trotter (who gave his life that we might all live free) and his wife Michelle, mother of my first grandson, Austin.