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An Interview of Mentor Andrew Romerdahl by Protégé Alexandra Weill-Marsolais

March 9, 2015
Alexandra Weill-Marsolais
Alexandra Weill-Marsolais
Andrew Romerdahl
Andrew Romerdahl
Director of Real Estate and Construction
Alaska Region
Providence Health and Services

Where are you from and how did you decide to pursue a career in Alaska?

[ I am ] originally from Alaska. After graduating from East Anchorage High School, [ I ] moved to Oregon to complete [ my ] undergraduate studies. [ I ] majored in Economics and minored in Spanish. Then, [ I ] moved back to Alaska and began to work in commercial real estate. [ My ] early experience includes selling commercial properties, managing commercial properties, and appraising commercial properties.


What did you study in college and was it an easy choice?

[ I ] majored in Economics and minored in Spanish. It was an easy choice. [ I ] knew [ I ] wanted to major in Economics from the beginning. The Spanish minor fell into [ my ] lap when [ I ] studied [ abroad ] and gained enough credits for the minor. [ I ] went back to school at the University of Alaska Anchorage to obtain a Masters of Business Administration.


What is your current position? How would you describe your path to your current position? Did you have anyone you relied on for mentorship/solid career advice?

[ I serve ] as the first Weidner Chair in Business Management for 2014 at UAA. Currently, [ I ] work at Providence Health and Services as the Director of Real Estate and Construction for the Alaska Region. Although [ I ] did not have one major mentor in [ my ] career, [ I have ] had multiple supervisors who have helped guide who [ I am ] as a leader.


When did you know you would be a leader?

It just happened. Being a leader was something that came to [ me ]. It felt very natural and organic. It fits [ my ] personality and who [ I want ] to be.


Was/Is there ever a time when you felt/feel discouraged by obstacles? How did you/do you address that?

At times, [ I have ] doubted [ my ] choices. [ I admit ] that everyone makes mistakes. It is important to realize mistakes are going to happen, but it is also important to realize as a leader you are moving in the right direction.


Is there a particular person who inspires you?

[ I find my ] kids to be inspiring. [ My ] two young girls are constantly learning. [ It's ] fun to view the world through their eyes. They are [ my ] balance.


It is important and beneficial for CBPP and Anchorage’s business community to collaborate and invest in the next generation of leaders. What do you think should be conveyed to our next generation of leaders?

It is important for this program to happen because the university is where our next generation of leaders will come from. This is a mutual relationship. [ I believe ] the next generation of leaders needs to know that change will always happen. It is important as a leader to embrace and accept change. If you embrace and accept change, you can adapt to it.

This content may have been edited for presentation, context, and/or brevity.