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ANC Board Member Peer Exchange

Alaska Native Corporations Working Together…

Date October 18, 2017
Time 11:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Location UAA Consortium Library, 3211 Providence Drive, Room 307
Cost $50
(A light lunch provided at 11:30 with session starting right at noon.) Register Now!

Registration proceeds will benefit the Excellence in Alaska Native Business and Public Policy fund.

Consortium Library Building and Parking Maps
Google Maps: Consortium Library

We hope you will join us this October 18 for a new and innovative collaboration of Alaska Native Corporation Boards. This session includes important board training, sharing of information among ANC board members and will also include an open Peer Exchange among participants. Specifically designed for Alaska Native Corporation (ANC) board members, this half-day peer exchange offers the opportunity to interact, network, and learn from each other as well as from experts in the field. Come and participate in a session designed to promote meaningful dialogue among Alaska Native Corporations.

What you can expect at this session:

  • ANC Boardroom Best Practices – Phil Blumstein of Landye Bennet Blumstein
    • Unique Challenges Inside the Boardroom of an ANC
  • ANC Committee Roles – Beth Stuart, Office Managing Partner and Daniel Mitchell, Managing Director of KPMG
    • The Evolving Role of the Audit Committee
    • Coordination of Risk Oversight
    • Keeping the Bar High on Audit Quality
    • Upcoming Accounting Changes
  • Survey Results, Peer Exchange and a closer look at Alaska Native Corporations – Sharon Guenther Lind, Term Assistant Professor of University of Alaska Anchorage College of Business and Public Policy
  • Round table discussions and in-session survey discussions with Alaska Native Corporation boards
  • Next Steps

This session is designed by experts and organizations who work intimately with ANCs and will focus on the unique characteristics of ANC boardroom best practices. Alaska Native Corporations have a unique mission and this session is designed to focus on those unique qualities with a goal of making stronger ANC boards.

Board Members - take our survey. It's quick and completely anonymous. Results will be shared at this session.

Questions? Contact Sharon Guenther Lind at 907‐786‐4166 or email: sglind@alaska.edu