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Management, Marketing, Logistics and Business Analytics

College of Business and Public Policy

MIS Award Winners

CBPP MIS students design award-winning website for Kicks for Kids

A team of CBPP MIS students designed an online inventory system that helps Kicks for Kids distribute gym shoes for kids in need throughout the state. This website design won the team first place in the Association of Information Technology Professional's competition at the National Collegiate Conference in Atlanta in April.

Read: CBPP MIS students design award-winning website…

Introducing the Weidner Property Management and Real Estate Program

Housed in the College of Business and Public Policy (CBPP), the Weidner Property Management and Real Estate Program is one of only a handful of programs in the nation that offers a 4-year degree with dedicated curriculum focused on the management of real estate assets.

Read: Introducing the Weidner Property Management and…
MIS Students

MIS Students Win Big at the AITP, National Collegiate Conference

Once again, the students in the College of Business and Public Policy Management Information Systems program have won big at the Association of Information Technology Professionals, National Collegiate Conference. Seven students from UAA attended the competition and won two first place finishes and one honorable mention in the five competitions they participated in.

Read: MIS Students Win Big at the AITP, National…

Seminar on broadband issues and policies for Alaska, March 28

This seminar will provide a concise overview of these developments, with links to additional information. The seminar will be conducted by Heather Hudson, professor of communications policy at UAA’s Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER)...

Read: Seminar on broadband issues and policies for…

Weidner Property Management and Real Estate Program at CBPP

The Weidner Property Management and Real Estate Program is one of only a handful of programs in the nation that offers a 4-year degree with dedicated curriculum focused on the management of real estate assets.

Read: Weidner Property Management and Real Estate…