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Joseph Longuevan

Economics Major Joseph Longuevan Featured in The Northern Light

Joseph Longuevan, economics major, said to the Northern Light “I chose economics because I love learning about public policy, and how to get the efficient outcomes with a given set of information.” In the future, Longuevan is also looking forward to creating his own economics labs similar to the College of Business and Public Policy’s experimental economics lab.

Read: Economics Major Joseph Longuevan Featured in The…
Jacob Shercliffe

Economics Major Jacob Shercliffe Named Truman Scholar for 2017

The College of Business and Public Policy's Jacob Shercliffe is an economics major, member of Seawolf Debate and a leader in Model U.N. Now he's added another accolade to his long list of achievements: Jacob has become UAA's latest Truman Scholar, one of 62 selected nationwide this year.

Read: Economics Major Jacob Shercliffe Named Truman…
Greg Waymire Presentation

Greg Waymire: Profit Discovery and Double Entry Accounting

Werner Sombart, Max Weber, Joseph Schumpeter, and Ludwig Mises asserted that double entry accounting (DEA) focused attention on profit as an important objective and became a major force behind the emergence of capitalism.

Read: Greg Waymire: Profit Discovery and Double Entry…
Deemed Values: Implementing Tiered Price Caps in ITQ Fisheries

Deemed Values: Implementing Tiered Price Caps in ITQ Fisheries

Friday, April 21, 2017 Noon – 1:00 p.m., RH 204 Presentation by: Dr. Ralph Townsend Director, UAA Institute of Social and Economic Research In 2001, New Zealand modified its quota management system to function as a hybrid ITQ/tax system. Catches in excess of annual catch entitlements incur payments, called “deemed values”. Deemed values are a low transactions cost system for catch balancing. New Zealand’s “differential deemed values” also present an innovative way to approximate an upward sloping marginal cost of overfishing function. Deemed values can be generalized as a system of “tiered reserves and prices” that ideas can be applied to other cap-and-trade rights systems.

Read: Deemed Values: Implementing Tiered Price Caps in…