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Post Doctoral Researchers


Nathaly Rivera

Nathaly Rivera

Nathaly Rivera is an Environmental and Resource Economist. Her research interests specifically include natural-resource-rich economies, and non-market valuation of environmental amenities. Nathaly has also done some work on evaluation of environmental policy and mechanisms to reduce airborne pollution. She holds an MSc degree in Regional Economics from Universidad Católica del Norte (Chile), and a PhD degree in Environmental and Resource Economics from Michigan State University. Prior to joining UAA, Nathaly was a Graduate and a Teaching Assistant at Michigan State University.

Dr. Rivera's Website

Brett Watson

Brett Watson

Brett Watson is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER) at the University of Alaska Anchorage. His work focuses on how natural resource wealth is created, managed, and distributed both nationally and in the state of Alaska. He is particularly interested in applying modern econometric approaches to questions surrounding resource policy, community engagement with resources, and extractive firm behavior.

Brett earned his PhD and MS in Mineral and Energy Economics from Colorado School of Mines and BBA in Economics from Texas State University. Prior to joining ISER, he worked as a research associate at the Department of Energy’s Critical Materials Institute studying the supply chains for rare and specialized materials for use in clean energy applications.

Dr. Watson's Website

Hannah Hennighausen (Arriving Summer 2020)

Hannah Hennighausen

Hannah Hennighausen is a PhD student in economics at the University of Graz and a member of the interdisciplinary Doctoral School Climate Change at the Wegener Center. She has a master’s degree in agricultural and resource economics from UC Davis and a bachelor’s degree in economics from American University. Hannah will be returning to the American West as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Alaska Anchorage.

Hannah Hennighausen's Website